Thursday, 26 November 2009

FHM Russia, September, 09

Editorial for FHM Russia, September issue

Photographer - Alexey Sorokin
Stylist - Mikael Baryshnikov
Hair & Make-up Stylist - Svetlana Sorokina @ Mosmake
Models - Alexandr Seliverstov @ Modus Vivendis
Oxana Bulyga @ Modus Vivendis
Photographer's Assistant - Olga Dozmorova
Stylist's Assistant - Stanislav Egorov

Backstage video directed and edited by Dmitry Goryachev
1st and 3d camera - Dmitry Goryachev
2nd camera - Anton Dyachkoff


  1. Nice video! How did u use the lights for this shoot? Show us some PS4 tricks aswell! ;)

  2. Ура! Наконец-то ты решил вести блог!
    По поводу съемки - все очень здорово! вот прям очень!
    Отдельное большое спасибо тебе за backstage видео!

  3. кстати, я поддерживаю предложение:
    "Show us some PS4 tricks aswell! ;)"

  4. Can't say anything about the photoshop tricks for that shoot as I commissioned the professional retoucher for it.. but was thinking to create some photoshop and lighting tutorials very soon!
    Regarding the lights, I used one 1000 Joule head with honey comb and the boom just over the pool, you have to be really careful using the lights at the pool I must say, I checked it twice before the shoot started.
    hope that helps )

  5. wow alexey this is great, i look forward seeing your tutorials...
    the blow up mattress is a good idea, i always held my breath or used a diving tank-tiring and expensive!
    hope all is well with your project

  6. wow, this looks so much fun! really nice outcome too Alexey!x
